Anzac Day is an important special community event celebrated in Australia on April 25. Millions of Australians commemorate the anniversary of the first significant military pairing of Australian and New Zealand forces fighting together during the First World War.
In addition, veterans and participants in peacekeeping operations and conflicts will be honoured during this national event.
ANZAC Day, Sydney 2025 Dawn Service, March, Events & Celebrations
Australia and New Zealand observe this event yearly, which is marked by a public holiday. On this prestigious day, the Australian Government and all members of the public honour past and serving members.
RSL NSW is committed to leading the State in commemorative services. The ANZAC Day message aims to connect all Australians to the ANZAC Spirit and encourages everyone to participate and pay their respects in their own unique way.
More than 600 commemorative events are scheduled in communities across New South Wales this ANZAC Day. Participating in ANZAC Day is an opportunity for all Australians to come together, honour the sacrifice of our service men and women, and support our current and past armed forces members.
Sydney Dawn Service
To mark the time the first Australians waded ashore at ANZAC Cove in 1915, thousands of people will gather at the Cenotaph, Martin Place, on 25 April at 4:20 a.m. to watch the official NSW ANZAC Day Dawn Service.
The Dawn Service offers quiet contemplation, accompanied by the bugle call of the Last Post and The Ode of Remembrance.
Like in previous years, access to the ceremonial area of the NSW Anzac Day Dawn Service will be invite-only. Only invited guests will be allowed entry into the site, which is accessible via Pitt Street.
Sydney CBD March
An event like no other, the ANZAC Day March brings the Sydney CBD to a standstill as over 10,000 current serving members, and veterans of the Australian Defence Force file past the Anzac Memorial to pay their respects to the fallen.
To mark the 80th Anniversary of the cessation of hostilities in the Second World War in 2025, a special place near the start of the March has been created for all veterans of this conflict.
Spectators are invited to line Elizabeth Street and show their support for the brave men and women who have served their country and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice or suffered due to their service.
The ANZAC Day March begins at 9 a.m. at the intersection of Elizabeth Street and Martin Place and finishes at Liverpool Street at approximately 12:30 p.m.
The Order of March will be:
- Royal Australian Navy/Australian Army/Royal Australian Air Force
- British and Commonwealth Forces
- Civilians in support of Australian Troops
- Descendants of Australian veterans
- Allies
The Act of Remembrance will be observed as units pass the Anzac Memorial on Elizabeth Street. Signage will be positioned in the correct area to assist unit leaders with giving the eyes left command. At this command, veterans in civilian dress are to remove their hats, place their right hand over service medals and keep in that position until the unit leader gives “eyes front”., when the reverse is to be followed. Heads are to be turned towards the Memorial when passing it. Banners and Flags are to be dipped. Defence Force formations are to salute the Memorial as they pass it.
Veterans who are unable to march but can make their way into the city should use the vehicle service provided for the March. This year, landrovers will be made available, thanks to RSL Lifecare. These landrovers can be found on the day on the corner of Hunter Street and Chifley Square. No booking is required.
Extensive road closures and clearways will occur throughout the Sydney CBD from 2am to 4pm.
Event parking is only available in designated areas and is limited to vehicles with a Vehicle Access Permit. Coaches or vehicles cannot park in a clearway without a Vehicle Access Permit.
ANZAC Day Commemoration Service
Following the March, a Commemoration Service is held next to The Pool of Reflection at the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park South at 12:30pm.
This service has developed into an impressive dedication, attended by the Governor of New South Wales, the Premier of New South Wales, the Leader of the Opposition, senior service representatives, guests and community members.
In recent years, a United Drumhead Service has been introduced, and cadets from The Scots College provide it. The NSW Police Concert Band and The Scots College Pipes and Drums support the service.
This service is open to the public. The marquee on the western side (Elizabeth Street) of the Anzac Memorial has accessible seating and limited seating for the public.
ANZAC Day Sunset Service
Official Anzac Day commemorations will conclude at 5pm with a Sunset Service at the Cenotaph. This short ceremony is open to the public.
Public Transport
Travel on public transport is free for members and ex-members of the Australian Defence Force; this also includes their carers, the spouses, children and grandchildren of deceased service personnel, and the spouses, children and grandchildren of living war veterans. This entitlement allows free travel on Anzac Day on the following public transport services:
- Sydney Metropolitan and Outer Metropolitan buses
- Sydney Ferries
- Newcastle Transport buses, ferries and light rail
- Sydney Trains
- Sydney Metro
- NSW TrainLink intercity trains
- Sydney Light Rail
The public is invited to attend and watch the Service and March in person, or they can watch the events from home on TV and online. The Dawn Service will be broadcast live across all free-to-air television networks and radio stations. The March will be broadcast live on ABC or available on iView.
Will the Anzac March be going ahead at this stage for 2021 and is the public welcome to attend?
Hi Wendy,
Referring to the press release on 11 Feb 2021 at, the ANZAC Day 2021 commemorations will still proceed in NSW.
There are going to be changes this year though, which includes the march being limited to 500 veterans (by way of a ballot process), and RSL NSW encourages NSW residents to commemorate locally and participate in the “Light up the Dawn” initiative rather than travelling to the Sydney CBD. The March will be televised live to the public on the ABC.
Please check out for further information on both the March and other events on the day.
RSL NSW has decreed that there will not be a March on ANZAC DAY 2021 at this stage?
Hi Geoff,
I have checked the RSL NSW website, their press release section and a number of news outlets and i can’t really see any information about the 2021 event at this state. Even the Anzac Day page on their website refers to marches and services.
The closest thing i could find was QLD saying they might consider an invite-only event, but aside from that, I couldn’t find anything saying things were cancelled or altered at this point.
Most information online still refers to 2020, so ill be updating my page as new information comes to light about that the day will consist of.