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Archibald Prize Exhibition

Archibald Prize Exhibition

The Archibald Prize is an art competition that awards the best portrait of a person distinguished in art, science or politics.

The prize was first awarded in 1921, and today, it is a coveted art competition with a prize money of $100,000.

Archibald Prize Exhibition 2025 Prize Winners, Dates, Hours & Art Tour

The Archibald Prize is awarded annually to the best portrait, ‘preferentially of some man or woman distinguished in art, letters, science or politics, painted by any artist resident in Australasia’.

The Archibald Prize has always created controversy and conversation. For over a century, artists from Australia and New Zealand have captured the spirit of their times through portraiture, reflecting the personalities and issues that define their communities.

The competition started after J.F. Archibald made a bequest in his name, and the Art Gallery of New South Wales now administers the competition. The competition aims to support local Australian artists and create lasting memories of important Australian figures.

The trustees of the Art Gallery of NSW judge this open competition. Finalists are displayed in an exhibition at the Gallery (although in the early years, all entrants were hung). Although it is a non-acquisitive prize, several entries are now part of the Gallery’s collection.

Entries in the Archibald Prize are also eligible for the following prizes:

  • Packing Room Prize
    First awarded in 1991 and chosen by the Gallery staff who receive, unpack and hang the entries.
  • ANZ People’s Choice
    First awarded in 1988 – now supported by presenting partner ANZ – and voted for by the public visiting the Archibald exhibitio.n
  • Archie 100
    In conjunction with the Archibald’s 100th birthday, we’re seeking information about or images of past Archibald Prize works.

As the Archibald Prize has been regularly likened to the Melbourne Cup (the face, rather than the race, that stops a nation), it’s not surprising that people are interested in percentages, firsts and favourites.

Past winners of the Archibald Prize have included Yvette Coppersmith (self-portrait), Mitch Cairns (Agatha Gothe-Snape), Louise Hearman (Barry Humphreys), Nigel Milsom (Charles Waterstreet), Fiona Lawry (Penelope Siedler), Del Kathryn Barton (Hugo Weaving), Ben Quilty (Margaret Olley), to name a few.

The Archibald Prize winner and finalists are displayed in the Art Gallery of New South Wales, and many portraits remain in the gallery’s permanent collection.

These ‘must-see’ annual exhibitions of finalists and winners have become fixtures in our artistic calendar. A single ticket gives you access to see all three of these prestigious awards.

About the author

Michael Jones

Michael created and runs the Sydney Point website, as well as the Holiday Point travel brand that incorporates a network of 16 location based travel information and attraction websites around Australia, Asia, and around the world.

With 25+ years of online experience and a passion for travel (having visited Sydney many times and seeing a lot of the city in the process), Michael not only researches and writes content for the website, he also tinkers behind the scenes with the website functionality & design.

Please reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.


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    • Hi Mark,

      It doesn’t appear that the dates for 2022 have been announced yet on the official website, but if the dates of 2021 are anything to go by, the delivery of entries by artist or representative or courier was between 8am – 4pm, on 26–30 April 2021.

      So you would expect the dates to be very similar for 2022.


    • Hi Peta,

      There doesn’t appear to be any dates listed for the 2022 event yet on the Art Gallery of New South Wales website, but when they are, i would suspect the will be published at https://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/prizes/young-archie/enter/.

      The 2022 dates are likely going to be similar to 2021, so using them as a guide, you would expect the key dates to be within a couple of days of this year:
      – Entry forms were available on 27 January 2021
      – Entries had to be received before 7 March 2021, 5pm
      – Finalists and honourable mentions announced on 27 May 2021
      – Young Archie exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW between 5 June – 26 September 2021
      – Winners announced on 31 July 2021


What date is the Archibald Prize Exhibition?
What time is the Archibald Prize Exhibition?
Finalists and Packing Room Prize winner announced: 1 May 2025
Winners announced: 9 May 2025
Archibald Prize 2025 exhibition: 10 May – 17 August 2025

Please visit our website for more information on the Archibald Prize Exhibition.
Where is the Archibald Prize Exhibition located?
What is the Archibald Prize Exhibition address?
What are the Archibald Prize Exhibition entry prices?
Tickets are dated but not timed, and can be used once at any time on your chosen day
Adult: $25
Concession: $22
Member: $20
Family (2 adults + up to 3 children): $63
Youth (12–17 years): $13
Free for children under 12 and companion card holders

Booked school groups
Student: $8

2-for1 ticket offer
For Wednesdays, 5 - 10pm

Members can access free and discounted tickets

Gallery Pass
Combine with Yolŋu power and save!
Adult: $45
Concession: $40
Member: $35
Family (2 adults + up to 3 children): $95
Youth (12–17 years): $20
Free for children under 12 and companion card holders

Please visit our website for more information on the Archibald Prize Exhibition.
What is the Archibald Prize Exhibition phone number?

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