2025 is the year of the Snake, starting from January 29th, 2025 (Chinese Lunar New Year Day) and lasting until February 16, 2026. If you were born in 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013…, your Chinese zodiac sign is the Snake.
As a large community of Chinese-Australians living in New South Wales, Sydneysiders love celebrating Chinese New Year each year.
Although this festival is celebrated across the country, Sydney does it differently. Chinese Australians celebrate this cultural festival with the same vigour and energy as in China.
Chinese New Year 2025 Sydney Festival Dates, CNY Calendar & Animal
If you want to participate in the Chinese New Year in Sydney, come to the Harbour and get in amongst it all. The festival is FREE!
Make sure to secure accommodation early, as it will be booked out quickly. Click the link below to explore the range of accommodation options in the Sydney CBD.
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